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Development of a Limited Formulary Prescribing Scheme for Therapy Radiographers and Oncology Nurses NHS Executive RD Project Grant: Ref D Conference. Further reading Health Service Circular HSC Department of Health Medicines Matters: A Guide to Mechanisms for the Prescribing, Supply and Administration of Medicines, National Practitioner Programme Department of Health Core Prescribing Group, London.

  • In some circumstances, it may be advantageous to administer a drug rectally, for example if a patient is unconscious or vomiting, or uncooperative in some way, but generally, it is considered an unpleasant method.
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  • Although drug allergy is unpredictable, it is more likely to occur in individuals with a history of atopic disease, for example asthma.
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UVB is useful if patients have extensive small plaques of psoriasis resistant to topical treatment. Ultraviolet A requires more specialized equipment and prior administration of an oral or topical photosensitizing drug called psoralen, in which case the treatment is known as photochemotherapy.

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The interesting aspect of this practice is that a major growth area of radiographer role advancement currently is the reporting of accident centre images by radiographers, which is a precursor to radiographer-led discharge and the associated supply and administration of medicines. Anticipating that radiographers will gain independent prescribing responsibilities at some stage, then the following is suggested.

Authored by Dr. Jones Hormozi, DPM

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